Denna’s Upcoming Speaking Engagements

The Your Crescendo 2016 On Purpose Conference on Friday, Jan. 22.
Designed to tap into the “fresh start” energy of the New Year, the conference is meant to take this energy to another level by providing inspiration, tools for planning and ignition of action. Denna was chosen as one of 7 speakers who will share triumphs, challenges and lessons learned over the years in hopes to help you frame your plan for 2016 and beyond.
To get info on attending in the Atlanta area click here.

The Wish Dish 1 Year Birthday Event on Friday, Feb. 27.
The Wish Dish is an authentic self-expression social media platform to share your story and connect with others just like yourself. It is their 1 year anniversary. Denna is so excited to be part of a unique storytelling platform started by my friend Bryan Wish who has encouraged all of the fatherless daughter community to come! If you would like to attend click here for more information.