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How To Work With Us
Denna and Karin are available as a team or as individuals for speaking engagements, expert media commentary and consultation. They each carry a rich, diverse background of experience, education and sass that make them the experts in the room but feel like your best friends.
As you will see from their rich backgrounds and personalities, Dr. Karin and Denna can inform and inspire you while making you laugh out loud. On their own, they are awesome, together, they are phenomenal. They bring a fresh, relatable presence into the room that makes everyone sit up and listen, laugh, engage and feel completely at ease being exactly where they are.
For Book Inquiries: Wendy Sherman Associates, Inc. Literary Management
- Wendy Sherman, Agent,
For Media Inquiries: Sarah Hall Productions, Inc., Liz Lapidus Public Relations
- Alexandra Hettinger,
- Andi Hill,
For Speaking Inquiries:
- Natalie Demarko,
Dr. Karin Luise
Conferences, seminars and small groups – she does it all! From inspiration to education, she loves to talk about women’s issues, resilience and life purpose. Now specializing in fatherless daughter research, Dr. Karin would love to team up with Denna and come educate and encourage your group on the issues facing young women today.
Dr. Karin is a well-seasoned expert in the media and specializes in discussing the psychological fall-out of current events, holiday-related topics and handling the most challenging part of relationships, parenthood and overall wellness. She can dish it while delivering research and insight like your favorite therapist.
For more information, visit her here:
Facebook: @DrKarin
Twitter: @DoctorKarin
LinkedIn: Dr. Karin Luise
Denna Babul
Denna simply loves speaking, She is creative and enjoys personalizing her speaking engagements to her audiences. She in known for her candor and likes to tell it how she sees it. Her calling is to empower daughters and women by giving them the tools they need to shed their pasts and move forward to an even better future.
Get in touch with Denna:
Twitter: @FDPrjct
Facebook: The Fatherless Daughter Project
LinkedIn: Denna Babul – The Fatherless Daughter Project
How To Be Friends With Us
We love a good story. If you have one to tell, get in touch with us here or look for us hanging around our neighborhood in Atlanta.
You’ll likely find us at the park with our kids or en route between carpool, our real jobs and documentary shooting days. On most weekends, after family time, we try to find ‘me time’ at the corner coffeehouse, bookstore, and if we are lucky, the Pilates studio. In our playtime, we may be watching The Bachelor (but not admitting it) or enjoying a cherished night out nibbling on sushi and catching up with friends.
And if we are too loud, we don’t mind if you come and join us, just don’t ask us to simmer down. We are just having the most fulfilling times of our lives and can’t keep a lid on it!